Saturday, September 3, 2016


Well, my parents let me get a tumblr now, so....

Goodbye Blogspot! I enjoyed working with you.

New Blog

Monday, August 29, 2016

So Happy, So Very Happy

Oh my gosh I am in such a happy mood today - first the Silver Charm, and now THIS!!!!!!
It's volume 53, if y'all were wondering. I even made a few new friends at my new school and made amends with the people who used to scare me at my old Elementary School. I can actually talk to people without panicking: I actually  don't know when that happened. But I'm happy. For once in a long time.


Coming Soon [ART]

Coming soon: Kawaii Sird and Team Lightning!!

Thank You So Much!

One of my family members, who has their own tumblr account, (because I can't get one... not yet) bought this for me, and it came in the mail on Saturday. So, yeah, I just want to say thank you very, very much, if you are reading this! This made all the stress from the past few days disappear almost completely.

(^▽^)/  [thank you!]

Sunday, August 28, 2016


This post had to be explained.

Seriously, did anyone else watch Veggietales as a kid?

LuckyShipping for Crt!!

I drew some LuckyShipping for Crt this weekend! Thank you for the requests, Crt, I still want to draw the Team Lightning, so I'll do that, too! (Probably won't get done today though) :)

EDIT: Made the pic much lighter, and it looks a lot better!!

Thursday, August 25, 2016