Sunday, March 13, 2016

FrontierShipping One-Shot: Letter to You

Warning: the content of this one-shot is not part of my universe, since I do not actively support this ship.

Dear Crystal,
Yesterday at midnight I arrived at training camp. I found my cabin and fell asleep really quickly because I was so tired. When I got up, it was time for breakfast. The food is really good, but it can't beat the food back at the Academy. There are waffles for breakfast and all kinds of berries and cookies for snacks and lots of different drinks. I met this kid named Diamond who is also a Pokedex holder and we ate so many snacks that we almost got sick! This Diamond kid is pretty darn cool. We get to start our training later today and we will teach our Pokemon new attacks. But I really miss you, Crystal, and I wish that you could be here with me, because that would definitely make things better than they already are. I know that you miss me too, and I hope that you will write me back soon.

P.S. You should visit sometime or join camp yourself. It's a blast!

Oh, wow. I still feel bad for writing a crappy FranticShipping fic. Oh, well. I'll get over it eventually...

1 comment:

  1. Overall, it feels like its oneshot status and/or brevity undermines the... finality of the piece. It doesn't quite have the air of a complete story, with a beginning/middle/end, like your Frantic oneshot does.
