Friday, August 12, 2016

This is that post you can ignore because I just want to post something.

So my brother and sister are saying that they are sick of art and PokeSpe because it is "all I talk about these days and it's annoying." What they don't know is that these "annoying" things keep me from getting seriously depressed and emotional and before I liked PokeSpe and got into art, I had nothing to do but sit in my room and scribble on a piece of paper. That's literally what I did most nights and my floor was covered in crumpled papers. Every day. And my mom and dad are even in on this, telling me I should like other things. What sources do I have to find out about other things? Barely any. My internet use is limited and I can't see my friends anytime I want because they live in another city that's far away.

Now I'm going to a new school and I know literally nobody there. My parents remind me many times not to talk or joke about Pokemon/PokeSpe because no one will know what I am talking about because no one freaking likes it. How would they know? How would I know? Then there's another dumb thing. They are sending me to a school where 99% of the people are more talented than me. You know how people talk to a little kid when they ask if their art is good? They use that same freaking annoying voice and I know they just say it to make me feel better because they've seen art that is ten times better.

Without art and Pokemon/PokeSpe, I have no passion. But I don't know if I should keep doing art because people will lie and say it's good even on my worst drawings. I don't know if I should keep liking PokeSpe because "apparently nobody else likes it" and "it's annoying when I talk about it 26/7" I don't want to be judged, I want to be happy. But if I keep talking about it, my siblings tell me to shut up and say my fandom is stupid and my parents say to keep my mind open to other things. I'm picky about what I read, listen to, watch, etc. I have standards, too, and it's so hard to find something that fits the categories I like. Sure, I like Marvel and Star Wars, but I am kind of known as a "noob" in those specific areas and no matter how many books I check out at the library, I don't seem to become more knowledgeable in these fandoms. What do I do?

Ah, whatever. No one reads this anyway...